Saturday, February 17, 2007


I AM BACK!!! Rejoice. I made a recap of 2006 blog but that one I accidentally deleted before publishing and didn't feel like re- typing it. And then I wrote another one but didn't finish it and my mood changed before I had a chance to go back and post it. Bad habits and bad moods left my blogs in the past, but now Breviloquence is in for a comeback. Not just any comeback either, one with more juicy details about moi, and in depth topics randomly. This is more of a recap though, so bare with me.

I'll just start from scratch. I can't do a real recap because my memory's not that great on weekends. On the other blogs I wrote about a good phone convo with Melissa and stuff about being fed up with her but that's now such old news. She and I are quite close right now so that's all good. Plus she's the only one who knows my deepest DARKEST secret. I'm not exaggerating and I'm also not telling because then I'd be so boring.

Also talked about hating Ms. Puharich or however you spell it. She was being power trippy over the 80 hours of PE and I decided I'd keep my done hours in my portfolio binder because she can't do anything to me anyway. It worked out and the portfolio practically got cancelled and only involve one aspect, 80 PE hours and 30 work experience. I almost cried. I'm not kidding. It's not that hard to believe anyway because I'm a crybaby. A big cry baby. Disney movies make me cry. And I cry almost every time I laugh, if I don't then I'm not really into the laugh.

Final/Provincials. Well last semester I had a math final, Socials provincial and English final. I was only really worried about Math because Ms. Church assured us we'd all ace the English exam and on a practise Socials provincial I finished it in less than an hour and got 88% without studying. Math therefore is so much harder and I needed to do well. Well good news all around.
I ended up with an A for English, Socials provincial was pretty easy and in Math I got 79.7% on the final which rocks!! So I am definitely at a B and that I've used up my B for the year. I'm just so happy all worked out well. God I'm so happy I don't have to study anymore.

Dance has been kinda meh with Ms. Jessica, but we had a sub a while back and she was so cool. She taught us a way cool routine and how to break dance. SO AWESOME! I wish she was our teacher instead of Jessica. Oh well. But we do have a new person who's our only guy. And I think he joined because he liked one of the girls. He's not that great and his name is DEXTER. By the way he looks like he plays football and talks like it too. So I've never met anyone who looked less like a Dexter.

2nd semester, better than the first. I have Mr. Davis for Physics, Mrs. Pillay for Chemistry and Mr. Lafleur for French. Band too, but that never changes. It's not an easy semester but good teachers make it better. Mr. Davis kicks ass. He's so into Physics it's awesome, plus he wants to get to know everyone too. Pillay still loves me from grade 9 science and she still gives out bonus marks for everything. Now I know her voice is annoying and takes time to get used to, but she's better than Mulji.

Seriously OMG!! France/ Spain 2007 is in LESS THAN A MONTH. FLIP OUT!! It's coming up so fast! I was not expecting it so soon. I have to start making a list of things to bring so I have enough time to add on and not forget anything because I'm so afraid to. It's obviously going to be a blast and I'm hoping Devon calms the hell down in another continent. Packing is so much fun. I will post my what to bring list as soon as I get it started. My group is almost done our project too and Toulouse is a pretty neat French town. I still would've like the Arc de Triomphe better but Kevin and Alex should have fun with that. Speaking of Kevin reminds me why I'm in KNOTS.

THE PLAY!! A Midsummer Night's Dream is looking really good. Costumes seem great and so does the set. Every one's really good in their parts too. But I am nervous as hell. Now, I know I don't have that big of a part and really most of the time I just stand ans look pretty while Kevin has most of the lines as Theseus, but so nervous!!! I'm the second person to talk and I feel like I'll stutter or trip or start laughing. That said, I'll try hard not to and you should all come see the play. Neilson makes a good Bottom and Ajay in a blonde wig is amazing. Oh and Haniff's costume is crazy cool too. I got to know a lot more people in the play too and I don't really dislike anyone. I got to know tons of people either better or from scratch. A good experience as a whole and not one I'd trade. But since I've had rehearsals like everyday until 6:00ish I haven't had a lot of time for homework and it's piled up. Only one week left. Oh and I'm taking suggestions on what in the world to do with my hair. Something royal and Amazonian at the same time and something that won't take a long time.

So that's a pretty basic overview. Valentine's Day was a tad disappointing and I think I have a Jasper. Oh well. Anyway things are kinda stressful and I really want a long bubble bath, candles and all. Or a do nothing day. There's a lot going on, and different things in everyone else's life so things seem super busy. I can't wait till Spring Break. Well I actually finished this and it shall be posted. Kinda boring but a recap was needed since I haven't blogged since last year. CYA!


Anonymous said...

France/Spain is coming up so quickly. Kevin and I haven't even started on our project yet. If you want to distract Davis in class, talk about Seinfeld or House, he loves those shows.

shannon said...

welcome back!!!!
hot blog! good recaps! good blog.
kinda sucks how you guys worked on the portfolio and then it gets cancelled.
the ministry of education fucking sucks.
i'm coming to the play on Wednesday!

Mishaela said...

AHHH! I want to go with you on that trip! (take me with you!)

evil grad portfolio...rawr.